Thursday, June 3, 2010
tsk, tsk, tsk . . .
I was enjoying my netizen’s privilege, I am making an update on my facebook account. In the midst of it, my sister rang my phone, so I picked it up “jigs diin ka? Si nanay diin?” I stridently answered her “ambot ay, ari ko subong tacurong, ga.internet”, it was humiliating and concurrently weird knowing that I was in a civic place. Haha. I was going to ask her if what’s to be shared. Haha but then she said “di na lang ahh”. She hung me nonplussed? Hmmm.
So I upheld on what I am doing, visiting various accounts and making comments. I had a chat with some of my closest friends too and exchanged thoughts “silly things” in particular. Haha. I spent about an hour surfing the net and paid P15.
Instead of yielding a fair, I decided to travel by foot. I walked 3 blocks before I reached the Mercury Drug to purchase some goods. As luck would have it, I met my sister Sharon who’s delivering by the month of July. Share lang. haha. Since 2 counters were on task, a long line was made like the “NFA craze” hahaha. My sister asked me “ano baklon mo? Dal-a na diri kay laba-laba ang pila!”, so I hastily dig up 2 packs of bathing soap and gave it to her. Supposedly I have a lot to purchase. Hay. While following her on the line, “ si nanay nakagat cng ido” she said. I just don’t know why I wasn’t able to make any concerning reaction. Haha It was odd that I gave my sister a giggle. Well maybe because my instinct tells me that the dog was injected with anti-rabies and is not that life-threatening. Haha.
At home, we have waited for Nanay to arrive after seeking a doctor. While away, I washed Janessa’s feeding bottles and helped Tatay prepare food for our dinner. Straight off, I heard our wooden gate creaked. And it was my dog bitten Nanay. Haha. both legs were inflicted, so I asked her what happened. She told me that while she’s buying “mani” the guarding dog bit her, so she waggled her right leg. The dog drew off its chomp. Nanay screamed and cast her affected leg away. But the dog seemed to be enjoying its biting sensation, once again it bit my Nanay’s other leg.
Imagining her in the actual situation made me feel bad. So I realized that in truth it was a serious matter, deeming to be that she’s getting older. Hay.
Grace of God she’s now feeling great and back with her daily habit.
hay. makastresssss.
{ 12:45 AM }