I woke up early in the morning. My alarm clock seems to be useless. I always wake up in the morning earlier than my depended arousing agent. (my alarm clock) So I hurriedly got off of my bed, fixed it and started preparing all the things that I should bring in for my dreaded entrance exam, haha. (In fact I can’t even sleep well that night imagining what would be the questions that would probably come out.) Later on, I took my “brekkie” quickly and drank my hot milk, just to struggle with the coldness of the morning breeze. I took a little rest before having a freezing bath. I think I’ve enjoyed much refreshing myself .haha
As I remember, Mec2 texted me to be fixed with myself at 6 am, so I hastily wear my clothes and waited for Manong Nonoy to arrive. For I have asked him to pick me up and to direct me to my destination. I have waited in front of the Tacurong Fit Mart for quite a long time and a get a little bit bored. But I hear this voice inside my head telling me that it’s ok, at any rate you have nothing to worry ‘coz actually it’s a free ride.(whoah! Spooky haha).
45 minutes past and a car just stopped in front of me, not knowing that it was them (Mec2, her parents, her aunt Ma’am Loja, Apple, Melissa, Kyrien and Dana), and so I have entered the car, we have fit wonderingly, ‘coz there are 9 of us inside the car. Haha.(considering that Mec2 and Dana were both healthy.haha. ‘know what I mean)haha.just kidding.
After 2 hours of travel we have eventually arrived at General Santos City. Mec2’s parents were too kind to lead us right in front of my future Alma Mater.haha. at GenSantos Foundation College Inc.(GFCI ), but known to be GFI alone. Then I immediately went inside the testing area. When I entered the room I saw a lot of students sitting closely, they all look a bit older than me, so I doubt them to be my co-examinee for the entrance exam.
I sat at the back row. Suddenly a teacher popped in, telling the older students. Haha, to fill up some sort of documents. I heard him saying “we are going to proceed at Law 2, and later we will recapitulate your Law 1”. Ahhh, so they’re having a summer class. I thought I entered the wrong room, but I wasn’t. I saw the printed writing on the board “TESTING AREA”, ahhh, so they’re the ones who entered the wrong room. Hahaha. I stood up and went near to the teacher and asked him “Sir, san po ba talaga dito ang testing area?” he had answered me sarcastically “Bakit dito ba testing area niyo?”. Ha??? Ano daw?Tsk3.( ang gulo naman)haha. Then he looked at the board and apparently he saw what was written. He told me “ah ok, cge dyan ka lng muna likod hintayin nyo lng ang proctor niyo”. Afterwards he advised his students to go to the other room.
We have taken the examination at exactly 10 am, it was a 50 item test. Thank GOD that the questions that came out were not that difficult to cause our noses bleed.. We asked ate Grace, the one who supervised us in our exam. “ate ilan ba ang passing score?”. She had instantly replied “actually ning exam nga ni, para lng mabal.an kng may discount kmu.”. We, the examinees, all laughed after clarifying our question. We thought that there’s a passing score, or maybe a cut off of students who are qualified to be one of their enrollees.
30 minutes was the time limit in taking the exam, right away, we headed at KCC to have fun . . .fun . . .fun. (haha). . .