Thursday, April 15, 2010
Raucous NIGHT!
In our brgy. at San Emmanuel, we celebrate our patronal fiesta yearly, on the month of April. Typically, the're lots of activities held, such as the games for youngster, sports (basketball league) and the pageant.
Kuya Brian who's my sister's husband, was invited by some of the basketball players in our "purok" to join the league. Then, he gladly accepted the request. Just for the record Kuya Brian was before a star player of his team. (hahaha) But now, he plays basketball infrequently, 'coz he's busy with his job as a policeman and as a husband.
Anyway, my sister Sharon, kuya Brian's wife, persistently invited us to watch the game, and so, my sister chippy and I agreed to go with them. When the clock struck 6 we started eating, preparing for the activity. That was scheduled to begin at 8 o' clock. Right after we ate, Chippy had her self refreshed, and I, just sit on our sofa having a rest from our satisfying dinner and consequently letting time to pass. And when Chippy got dressed and kuya Brian & Sharon were ready too, we hurriedly proceeded to the brgy. gymnasium. There are 2 games to be played, one's for the juniors' league and the other's for the seniors and kuya Brian was in lined with the seniors. hahah
2 hours past, and finally it is the seniors turn to play. Though it is too late at night, the crowd's still full of intense to cheer the teams. As the supporters of kuya Brian's team, we confidently thought that they're gonna win, because they've easily earned 10 points at the start of the game. Yet, the opponent's team were much courageous and ending the game as the victor. Yeah! our team lost, yet we all enjoyed watching both teams fairly played.
After the game we realized that we all have this hoarseness in our voices. haha (pildi pa ang nagmugmog lansang.)haha
{ 1:16 AM }