Sunday, April 11, 2010
17 years of living . . .
Yehey! happy birthday to ever cheerful, humane, (innocent?) and humorous me. Indeed God has loved me exceedingly for extending my life for 17 long years and hoping to be extended. haha
I am asking my self, how did my life start? Since i can't even remember just a single scene of my past childhood life, i assume that i did the same thing as a normal child basically does. Being bathed by our mothers naked (haha.silly), feeding ourselves with feeding bottles, playing with sticky mucus gently gushing from our noses (ugh! disgusting, yet "sometimes" TRUE) haha and also our syllabic repetitions, our stammering, just like "am-am" which stands for food and "mamam" for water. I don't know if you've been tried to be teased by your siblings and your mother, that you are not a real part of the family(i've tried). They were quite effective and insistent enough to make me believe that i was truly an adopted son. ("uto-uto") haha. Though they teases me a lot, i can feel their irrevocable love on me. I think they're just too cool to admit and show it. haha
It seemed to be that time ran so fast, yet every single second of my life was worth living. Before, i consider my life just like a canvas with no other colors to see but the base color, white. But then as time goes by, different beautiful colors were added into my blank canvas. Now it is much lovelier, colorful and considerably looks expensive, which I can proudly tell that it is indeed an "obra maestra". I am now looking forward to held an auction. haha. (atik lng)
17 years? quite a long time, but 'know what they say "life starts at 40" and so, does it mean i still have 23 years left to start my life? haha. Nope, i don't think so. Happy memories are perfectly enough to fill those days of that of 23 years. I am happy of what my life has been reached and i am completely contented and nothing else.
Thank God i am still breathing and living. haha.
{ 2:18 AM }